Mark 1:35 “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.”
Getting up early is part of my regular morning routine here at Potter’s field. We are required to wake up by 6:30 on the week days and 7:00 on the weekends, which I wasn’t very used to before this time in my life. However, it has been amazing having the extra time in the morning to spend with God. However, lately, it has felt more routine and I haven’t poured my heart into my quiet time as much as I should be. After all, Jesus IS God, so if he found it necessary to wake up extra early to have sincere conversation with God, I need to have the same standard for my life. Also, in the following verses, his disciples come looking for Him - and once they find Him, Jesus is ready to preach in the surrounding villages. What I got out of that was that praying gave Jesus the strength He needed to keep pouring out to others, and because my life should be one lived on mission all of the time, prayer time before starting my day should never be a bore, but instead something I love to do, because it’s necessary in order to live and walk in the path God has for me - and that is truly the only path I want.
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