2 Corinthians 10:5 “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”
I have heard this idea of taking every thought captive before, but now that I am growing in the Lord it has really become a daily action for me. One of the first steps in doing right in God’s eyes is to rid your mind of bad thoughts as soon as they arise. Also, we are in class for multiple hours a day and my classmates and I are learning so much and if we choose to take the teachings seriously we can grow so much by just applying the words of our speakers. It’s so easy to leave class and forget every word your just heard, but something I have been challenged by lately is to read over the notes I took later on in the day. Through that it has helped me to take the good knowledge I am learning about the Lord and cling onto to it in my mind.
But I also have to remind myself that meditating on the Word doesn't make my walk with Christ better. It’s the obedience of the truth that will change my life. It’s not only keeping the knowledge, but USING the knowledge, and through that obedience my life will be at the center of God’s will.
Application: I will read over my notes after every class and I will take at least 1 thing from that class and apply it to my day.
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